AboutMe πŸ‘Ύ

(Public-facing, Non-Psychoanalytic)

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ETH: 0x89fBD1e8453aBDf0CEc69E297F30F3ec6e60307e

πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ Hi! Welcome…


Steamboat, Colorado, 2024

…to the landing page of my website.

The name is Yizhou(Deemo) Chen, and I am currently working as a Research Assisant at the Autonomous Robotics and Control Lab (ARCL) at California Institute of Technology (Caltech) while completing my MSEE. I enjoy solving interesting engineering problems with elegant theories, and working on resource-constrained/mission-critical systems.

For a professional overview of my work, please check out my Portfolio πŸ“‚.

I also write technical(mostly) blogs, which you can find in my Posts πŸ“.

Taking photos is also one of my natural habits, I call my gallery DeemoGraphy 🌌.

When I’m bored, I enjoy digging into the rabbit hole of questions like ‘Who am I?’ and ‘What is consciousness?’ It’s really fun to share these thoughts with other folks.

Oh, I also like snowboarding, 2023-24 is my 3rd season!